Sunday 16 January 2011

All aboard the goodship Norröna...

A few lines from the North Sea...and nearly the Atlantic Ocean. I am currently somewhere north of the Shetlands en route to the Faroe Islands, due to put in at Tórshavn (the capital of the Faroes) at 05:00 tomorrow morning. The journey so far has proceeded without a hitch...touch wood this luck stays with me and the Embulance for the final stretch of the journey out to Iceland!

After landing at Thursday lunchtime in Esbjerg in Denmark, I drove across and up Jutland/Jylland to Aarhus, continuing up through Aalborg on Friday where, after overcoming the challenge of centre-of-busy-town parking, I looked into the pretty cathedral, and lost and found my purse (my guardian angel appears to be on full-time duty). I continued to head north and eventually arrived in Skagen (the northernmost point of the Jutland peninsula) where I spent the night by the sea with the beam from the lighthouse flashing over me, the snow swirling in great gusts outside, and the North Sea waves crashing on the shingle.

Then it was on to Hirtshals on Saturday morning after a first camping breakfast of coffee and home-baked maternal banana cake. After a bit more repacking, the Embulance and I checked in (photo to right by Axel Steuwer) and finally we were on our way. Not that anything of Hirtshals could be seen, due to a thick fog... So all is well: the company aboard is excellent and the weather is very fair. The reading -- naturally -- for this voyage is Færeyinga saga. More on this to follow once I reach the Islands of Sheeps themselves...

1 comment:

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